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Spell Opacity causing Problems

1:04 pm, August 10, 2016 Occasionally playing through the game a blind flash of light will enter the screen, and sometimes it will just as quickly leave but some times it stays, I figured out its tied to the Spell Opacity set [..] View

Multithreaded Rendering?

10:04 pm, February 24, 2016 Hi, returning player here after about a year and a half off. I have a question about multithreaded rendering. From today's patch notes: Quote: GENERAL * Made stability improvements [..] View

Snedhepl: Why isn't six stars always six stars?

12:04 pm, February 16, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Snedhepl Rewards from rare 'diamond' adventures apply in the same fashion whether you get 1 star or 6 stars or somewhere in between. Star rat [..] View

Reinstalling Windows

10:04 pm, November 6, 2015 Greetings! Long time reader, first time poster (well, not quite but very rarely post). Though I would run a question by you wonderful lot. I'm not entirely sure if I've posted this in the correct f [..] View

Map is stuck...

11:04 pm, October 21, 2015 My map is stuck in the side of my screen, and I cant drag it out from where it's stuck. Help??? I've already tried ui resetting, and logging out of rift entirely and glyph. I've tried re-sizing my rif [..] View

captaincursor: New 3.3 Demension Locations.

11:04 pm, May 27, 2015 Quote: Originally Posted by captaincursor The Mathosian Cascades are across the impassable mountains from Stillmoor, and are only accessible via dimensional transport.The [..] View

Cannot interact with the world

12:04 pm, March 1, 2015 After exiting a series of dungeons today, I was unable to interact with NPCs in Meridian. I can use the mouse fine on anything else (adjusting setting, use rift store, etc). This has happened twice no [..] View

Graphic Problem

10:04 pm, February 7, 2015 It seems like when I'm facing the sun, the reflection or brightness in the snow becomes very pixcelated. Looks similar to white noise on an old tv. I've tried adjusting all the setting, no luck. Had t [..] View

Caduceus Rise: Walk in with Normal setting, find myself in expert?

1:04 pm, August 5, 2014 Ok, I was grinding out some old stupid Farclan notoriety for cheevs and well now i cant walk into CR without it being set to Expert. Im normally set as 'standard' aka normal. However as my notoriety [..] View

Error 1026: Error communicating with patching process.

1:04 pm, July 4, 2014 After Glyph had been loaded, I was getting this error. After a little review, I found this was caused by the path for Rift in Glyph settings was defaulted to C: drive, rather then where I had install [..] View


Caduceus Rise: Walk in with Normal setting, find myself in expert?

Dec 16, 2014, 4:09 pm Ok, I was grinding out some old stupid Farclan notoriety for cheevs and well now i cant walk into CR without it being set to Expert. Im normally set as 'standard' aka normal. However as my notoriety[..] View

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